Celery Juice, Green Tea, and Bogus Weight Loss Advice

Derek Vasselin
3 min readJan 22, 2021

Celery juice, green tea, ice cubes, fat free. There are no shortage of bizarre & bogus ideas out there to promote weight loss.

It seems every few months to years, there’s a new health fad. Whether it’s a new diet, exercise program, or super food. Unfortunately, many of us are currently or have been in positions of desperation and will try any potential remedy. I’ve been there myself before.

Limited Perspective

What fails people isn’t the specific food or fad itself. For example, green tea itself isn’t bogus. It’s just not the magic pill that will turn suddenly kick your metabolism into high gear. That’s complete and utter nonsense.

We have to keep our focus outside of these bubbles. You can’t make one or two changes and expect a major difference in outcome. Even a single, significant change by itself can only accomplish so much.

The Bigger Picture

I preach lifestyle, and I do so because everything in life is about balance.

You can have the best diet in the world, but no exercise will hold back your health. You can tout athleticism, but less than seven hours of sleep a night will impair your health. Eight hours of quality sleep a night is excellent, but overburdening daily stress will still take its toll on your health.

This is where perspective matters. Focus on only one or two pillars to health and the rest will suffer. I can tell you this from experience. I’ve lived it. In my ignorance, I built all the strength and athleticism I could ask for. Ignoring sleep and diet, however, came back to bite me in the ass.

Easy or Just Phony?

We’ve all heard the “if it sounds too good to be true…” saying. It’s no different in the world of health & fitness.

There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, that will get you in pristine health without lots of effort and discipline. There’s no special food, body type, or other bougie sounding routine that will fix your health. Just good ol’ fashioned effort and lifestyle.

I don’t intend to upset you or destroy your will. In fact, I hope this does this opposite by empowering you with the correct tools. Proving to you it’s not an endless nightmare of smoothie experiments. Sure you can go the easy route and buy some Instagram influencer’s flashy supplements, but my guess is the only change you notice is a lighter wallet.

In Summary

“The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” ~ Marcus Aurelius

Often the difficult or uncomfortable obstacle is the very obstacle blocking our goals. Not the bogus weight loss advice made popular because it was easy. It’s the effort and dedication to a healthy lifestyle. But that’s not as sexy to market.

This is not to say a healthy lifestyle is overly difficult either. I think it’s actually fairly simple and easy (don’t confuse with effortless) once good habits are in place. With the right tools and a focus on overall lifestyle, it will be much easier to see lasting results.

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Photo by Fallon Michael on Unsplash



Derek Vasselin

Providing people control over their health and weight with the lifestyle tools they’re missing. Disciple of MBSC.